Agtech is a concept that covers a wide range of new technologies applied to agriculture, where the most familiar to the farmer are: tools for precision agriculture (sensors for sowing and fertilization with variable dose of inputs by environments), satellite banners to geo-reference the applications of phytosanitary products, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence or Biotechnology. There are also included applications or sites for climate forecasting or online markets, all developed to improve the production process, reduce environmental impact, or improve decision-making.
The information processed and generated, is fundamental to understand which the Best Management Practices are that should be applied for the management of soil, water, and crops care. Through these technologies, the producer is able to know with certain precision, for example the level of water that soils accumulate, its nutrients, among other variables, reducing the use of inputs, to apply the right amount of resources at the most convenient time and in the most appropriate place.
For years, Profertil, together with AACREA and FAUBA, has been working on Triguero and Maicero, two tools that assist the producer in the decision making process, providing estimates of yield results that depend on complex interactions combining soil analysis, topographic details, climate, genetics , among others, which results in a response curve to nitrogen fertilization.
It is a diagnostic tool based on the CERES simulation model, designed to assist the decision-making process for a correct nitrogen fertilization of the wheat crop. It considers variables such as soil moisture at planting, crop, availability of other nutrients such as P and S, and management of leaf diseases.
It is a diagnostic tool based on the CERES simulation model, designed to assist the decision-making process for a correct nitrogen fertilization of the maize crop. It considers variables such as sowing date, hybrid, water condition, soil condition and modifiers such as the availability of P and S.