The leading company in the production of granulated urea in the country will participate in the event with a virtual space aimed at disseminating products and practices for soil care and crop nutrition.
It will present the nitrogen fertilizer ETP and provide a workshop on maize management.


Bahía Blanca, August 12, 2020 – From August 18 to 28, Profertil will participate in the XXVIII congress of the renowned Argentine Association of Direct Sowing Producers (AAPRESID, in Spanish), which this time will be held virtually, with a stand that will disseminate interesting news about the company and a workshop on soil fertility and corn nutrition.

Focusing on the sustainability of agricultural systems, the company will follow the congress motto, which this year will be “Ever alive, ever green”, with the aim of moving towards a production model based on efficiency, care for the environment and people.

The stabilized nitrogen fertilizer eNe TOTAL PLUS will be presented there, which points in that direction, as it is applied on the surface and allows the crop to take advantage of all the nitrogen available, mitigating the formation of Greenhouse Gases (GHG).

Mirta Toribio, head of Research and Development of the company, highlighted a report prepared by the Fertilizar Civil Association, which warns that today suboptimal doses of fertilizers are applied to most Argentine crops: in grasses, nitrogen replacement is 54% of what the soil takes away with each harvest.

In view of this situation, Profertil promotes the use of the so-called Best Management Practices (BMP) that take into account four key requirements, such as the dose, the source, the time and the correct way to apply the fertilizers. “The efficient management of nutrients through BMPs and the use of stabilized fertilizers such as eNeTOTAL Plus, allows not only to increase the efficiency of nitrogen use, but also to take care of the environment,” said Toribio.

She also recalled the words of renowned Indian scientist Rattan Lal, a soil science expert, winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and the 2020 World Food Prize, for whom “the health of soil, animals, people and the environment are interconnected. Therefore, if the health of the soil deteriorates, so does the health of the environment and the people”.

The company’s participation in the AAPRESID congress will also include a nutrition workshop on Monday, August 24th at 10:30 am, in room CQ5, under the title “The most important secret about nutrient management in maize”.

The presentation will be given by Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo, researcher at CONICET and professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata, who is also a consultant for private companies, CREA groups and AAPRESID producers. By clicking on this link, those interested can mark it as a favorite and include it in their activities at the congress.

The objective of the workshop will be to present the main diagnostic tools and the progress made in recent years in the interpretation of analyses for the most important nutrients in maize in the Pampas region. In addition, aspects related to the sources and timing of nutrient application will be reviewed with a view to achieving greater efficiency.

This year, the AAPRESID congress will have a particular virtual modality. It’s a big change. But what does not change is Profertil’s commitment to work towards improving farmers’ productivity while caring for the fertility of the soil and the environment.


About Profertil

It is a company devoted to the production of the fertilizers needed to optimize crop yields in a sustainable manner. Integrated in equal parts by YPF and Nutrien Inc, it has been operating its production plant in the port of Ingeniero White for 19 years. There, it produces 1,320,000 tons of granulated urea annually, the main nitrogen fertilizer for the soil. In addition, it sells other fertilizers and prepares tailor-made mixtures to provide each territory and crop with the nutrition required. It has administrative offices in Buenos Aires, logistics terminals in Necochea, San Nicolás and Puerto General San Martín (Santa Fe). It has 323 direct employees, 1,500 indirect employees and more than 850 active suppliers.



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